Sunday 28 August 2016

Hilang Asa

Menunduk lusuh raut biyung ayu
Bersusah-susah memilin tali kusut
Membayang indah selendang satin menggelayut
Sekejap angan lenyap tersapu kabut

Teriris perih batin merintih
Meraung-raung sukma mengaduh
Jiwa mengiba penuh peluh
Terbingkai derita abadi silih berbenih

Bayu gersang meniup raga
Mencabik kulit ari asa
Mata melotot di nendra lelap
Baurkan awang batas mimpi-nyata

Saturday 27 August 2016

Setia Sepi

Semburat lembayung memaes senja
Menderai rias molek sang cakrawala
Pendar pelangi telah terganti
Racikan warna dalam cawan sepi

Terpatri kaki jadi pasak bumi
Menatap lesu laju waktu
Memasung diri berantai janji
Menunggu letih puasnya kalbu

Telah layu bunga sedap malam
Aroma wangi menguap hilang
Rupa putih menjelma kusam
Tanpa rona pesona dalam temaram

Tuesday 22 December 2015


Kali ini saya ingin share SIMULASI  UN BAHASA INGGRIS SMK untuk adik-adik siswa SMK khususnya yang kelas 12. meskipun UN bukan lagi tolak ukur kelulusan, adik-adik pasti tetap ingin mendapat nilai UN yang sangat memuaskan. SOAL LATIHAN  UN BAHASA INGGRIS SMK ini bisa menjadi tambahan referensi belajar. Semoga ber
manfaat. Bravo All....
silahkan klik untuk  download TRY OUT1 UN BAHASA INGGRIS SMK 
klik disini untuk download listening mp3 TRY OUT 1 UN BAHASA INGGRIS SMK

Friday 22 May 2015


Alhamdulillah, akhirnya bisa berbagi SOAL UAS BAHASA INGGRIS SMK KELAS X SEMESTER GENAP. Semoga soal ini bisa menambah bahan latihan buat adik-adik khususnya siswa smk kelas X yang sebentar lagi ujian akhir semester genap. Saya yakin, semua nggak memerlukan the answer key untuk latihan SOAL UAS ini kan? Salam semangat semuanya....

I.     Choose the best answer!
1.  Rio : Did you see the One Direction Concert yesterday?
Ann : yes, I did. It was really .................. I enjoyed it very much
A.    Amazing                                           C. Disappointing
B.     Amazed                                            D. disappointed
2.  Sarah : Can you help me read this map? It makes me very ......................
Andi : Let me see. Hmm, I’m sorry I can’t understand it either.
A.    Impressing                                      C. Confused
B.     Impressed                                       D. Confusing
3.  Suzan : Hi, Mary. How are you today?
Mary : I am fine and I ................. very happy because my cousin will come to this town.
A.    Taste                                               C. Look
B.     Feel                                                 D. sound
4.  Chelsee : Why do you like jasmine?
Selvi : Because it ....................fragrant and it’s very beautiful.
A.    Taste                                              C. Smells
B.     Looks                                              D. really
5.  Johan : Let’s go to the cinema at 7 tonight.
Rani : That sounds great, but I didn’t think I can. I ...................then.
A.    Study                                               C. Will be studying
B.     Am studying                                   D. Will study
6.  Guest : Could I see the director?
Secretary : I’m sorry, Sir. He ............... a meeting at the moment.
A.    Has                                                   C. Will be having
B.     Will have                                          D. Is having
7.                                         Man : excuse me, may I smoke here?
 Woman : Look at the sign. Don’t you know that it mean...........
         A.    You are allowed to smoke here

          B.    There is a cigarette here
          C.     You must not smoke here
                         D.     This room is smoking are
8. What does this sign mean?
  A.    You must swim here
  B.     No body may swim here
  C.     Here is swimming pool
  D.    Swimming is not prohibited here

9.  Sue : Which gown should I wear, the black or the pink one?
Jill : I think the black one .................for me than the pink one.
A.    More suitable                                      C. Suitable
B.     The most suitable                                   D. Most suitable 

10.  Luna : What do you think of the scenery here?
Maya : It’s .................... scenery I have ever seen.
A.    Beautiful                                                 C. The most beautiful
B.     More beautiful                                       D. Most beautiful

11.   Cicilia: Where is father, Mom?
   Mother : He is sleeping .................... his bedroom
A.    On                                                           C. in
B.     At                                                            D. beside
12. Stranger : Excuse me, could you show me the way to the post office?
Anita : of course. ..................
A.    I don’t know                                          
B.     Just go ahead, it’s on the corner of the first t-junction.
C.     You can take a taxi
D.    You can find it easily.
  13. Nia : How about having dinner at the restaurant, Mom.

Mom : well, I prefer having it at home.
From the dialogue we know that ..............
A.    Nia want to have dinner at home
B.     Mother would rather have dinner at than have it at the restaurant
C.     Nia like having dinner at home better than having it at the restaurant
D.    Both Nia and Mother prefer having dinner at home to have it at the restaurant.
14.  Ana : Let’s go to the beach to spend our holiday.
Tom : I don’t think it’s a good idea. I ................... mountain  to beach. The air is fresher there.
A.    Prefer                                 C. Like
B.     Would rather                    D. Rather 

15.  Ari : have you decided what you will do after finishing your study in SMK?

John : of course, I have. ......................................... I want to be able to earn much money soon.
A.    I will continue my study to the university if my parents allow me
B.     I will try to get scholarship if there is a chance
C.     If it is possible, I will find a good job.
D.    If I have a choice, I will not work
16.  Ike : Will he call me?
Navia : Absolutely, he will call you if he ...............your number
A.    Know                                 C. Knew
B.     Knows                               D. Known
17.  Elies : What are you doing, Sarah?
Sarah : I ................. a romantic novel.
A.    Read                                  C. Am reading
B.     Will read                            D. Reads
18.  Tom : can you come to my house at this time tomorrow?
Ima : I ........................... my homework so I think I can’t. I’m sorry.
A.    Did                                                  C. Do
B.     Will be doing                                 D am doing
19.  Eko : do you know the girl sitting ............... Mila and Nancy?
Joe : yes, she is my sister’s friend. Why?
A.    At                                                      C. Among
B.     Between                                           D. On
20.  Yumna : You look so pretty, Sifa.
Sifa : Thank you to say so. But I think I am still not so ................ you.
A.    Beautiful                                        C. More beautiful than
B.     Beautiful as                                   D. The most beautiful 

II.     Error Recoqnition .
21.  Rio : I am sorry if I have been disppointed you. I have tried to do the best.
                                       A               B                                               C
Sam : It’s okay. I trust you about that.
22.  I bought an interested novel yesterday. I hope I can finish reading it in one
        A               B                                                          C         D
23.  Anis : Hi, ika. Why are you look very sad?
                                 A                           B
Ika : My grand mother just passed away last night.
                                       C            D  
24.  Nia : do you like my cooking?
                      A              B
Ani : Absolutely, It very delicious. I will be happy if I can have it again in
                                      C                                                    D
another time.
25.  At this time next week we will having a meeting again. Don’t forget to come
                                                  A               B                      C
on time here.
26.  The mechanic is still repair a motorcycle. It means you cannot disturb him
                                      A                                  B               C                   D
27.  I don’t want to eat anything because I do not hungry.
     A                  B                      C            D      
28.  Every body knows that Davian is the most smartest student in this class.
                        A      B                                 C                         D
29.  He will visits you  more often if he has time.
                 A               B                    C     D
30.  They will not can do the test well if they do not study seriously before.
                           A                                                        B             C           D 
For questions number 31 – 33

How to take Good Photograph : Landscape

- Always keep your horizons (any horizontal lines) level in your

   photographs, otherwise your shots will appear crooked

- Many people mistakenly put the main points of interest in the

   centre of their photographs. Keep the main points of interest

   away from the centre and from the extreme edges of your shots.

- Don’t shoot everything from a standing position. Look for

   interesting angles by changing the camera positions

-Try to avoid empty space in your photographs

31.  How do you avoid crooked shots?
           A.   By taking landscape photos 
                   B. By taking horizontal lines level
                       C.  By putting the main points of interest in the centre
                   D. By keeping the main points of interest in the extreme edges
32.          What mistake do many photographers make?
A.     shooting from the centre
B.      shooting from extreme edges
C.      keeping the main points of interest away from the centre
D.     keeping the main points of interest in the centre
33.  How can you find interesting angles?
A.       by shooting from a sitting position
B.        by shooting from a standing position
C.        by changing the camera positions
D.       by giving empty space
For questions number 34 -36

$ 20.00
$ 15.00


$ 39.00
$ 29.00



$ 40.50
$ 31.25



$ 65.20
$ 41.25


34.  if someone takes a second class ticket to Greenvile, how much will the ticket cost?
A.  $ 20.00
B.  $ 29.00
C.  $ 31.25
D.  $ 41.25
35.  How long does the train leaving at 7.50 take to get to Foxly?
A.  4 hours and twenty minutes
B.  4 hours and thrity minutes
C.  4 hour and fourty minutes
D.  Four hours and fifty minutes
36.  The word depart means
A.  Arrival
B.  Leave
C.  Departure
D.  Come
For questions number 37-38


On Friday morning, March 2nd, the water will be shut off in the ladies’ and men’s locker rooms so that repairs can be made the exact time will be posted on Thursday, March 1st. We apologized for any inconvenience.

37. Where this notice would be seen?
          a. at a gym

b. In a hospital

          c. In a dormitory

d. At a hydroelectric plant

38.   What will happen on March 2nd

 a.  The water will not work

      b.  The club will be closed

c.  Members will be notified of the details

d There will be no electric
For Questions number 39-40

39.    Why are Most clothing gifts returned ?
a.  They do not match other clothes
b.  They do not fit
c.  they  are too expensive
d.  They  are ugly

40.    What percentage of people have had the gift they received ?
A.       8 %                                     C. 10%
B.       58 %                                    D. 23 %